GoXam for WPF v3
LocationSpot Property
Northwoods.GoXam Namespace > Node Class : LocationSpot Property
Gets or sets the spot in the LocationElement that is this node's location point.
public Spot LocationSpot {get; set;}

Property Value

The default value is Spot.TopLeft. The value must be a specific Spot -- i.e. one for which Spot.IsSpot is true. The value is actually stored on the VisualElement. One normally sets it by setting or data-binding the attached property on the root element of the DataTemplate.

When the LocationElementName is the default value (an empty string) or when it explicitly refers to the VisualElement, and when this LocationSpot property is Spot.TopLeft, the Location will be the same as the Position.

However, it is common to set this to Spot.Center, so that the Location has a value corresponding to the point at the center of the LocationElement. (The Position always refers to the top-left corner point of the Bounds.)

See Also


Node Class
Node Members