Northwoods.GoWPF 2.2.4 Assembly
PrintPageOptions Enumeration

This enumeration provides options for controlling how printing occupies each page.
BackgroundPrint the Diagram's Background.
Full Print over the whole page, not just along the left or top sides for those pages that are in the last column or row.
FullBackgroundPrint over the whole page and include the Diagram's Background.
FullGridPrint over the whole page and include the Diagram's Diagram.GridPattern, if Diagram.GridVisible.
FullGridBackgroundPrint over the whole page and include the Diagram's Diagram.GridPattern and Background.
GridPrint any background grid pattern that the diagram may have. (Diagram.GridVisible must also be true.)
GridBackgroundPrint both the Diagram's Background and any visible Diagram.GridPattern.
None Only print the requested area of the diagram or the given parts.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


Northwoods.GoXam Namespace



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