Northwoods.GoSilverlight 1.3.5 Assembly
Adornment Class Members
See Also  Fields  Properties  Methods  Events Send Feedback
Northwoods.GoXam Namespace : Adornment Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Adornment.

Public Constructors

public ConstructorAdornment ConstructorEach Adornment has a Part.LayerName of "Adornment".  

Public Fields

public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AdornedElementPropertyIdentifies the AdornedElement dependency property.  

Public Properties

public PropertyActualHeight (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyActualWidth (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyAdornedElementGets or sets the FrameworkElement that this adornment is associated with.  
public PropertyAdornedPartGets the Part that this adornment is associated with.  
public PropertyAdornmentsGet the collection of Adornments associated with this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyAllowDrop (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyAvoidableGets or sets whether this node should be avoided when routing orthogonal links that have Route.Routing is LinkRouting.AvoidsNodes. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyAvoidableMarginGets or sets the margin around this node that should be reserved when routing orthogonal links that have Route.Routing is LinkRouting.AvoidsNodes. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of this object, in model coordinates. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyCacheMode (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyCategoryGets a string identifying the kind of Node or Group or Link or the purpose of the Adornment. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyClip (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyContainingGroupsOverridden.  An Adornment is never a member of any group.  
public PropertyContainingSubGraphOverridden.  An Adornment is never a member of any group.  
public PropertyContent (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter)
public PropertyContentTemplate (Inherited from System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter)
public PropertyCopyable Gets or sets whether the user may copy this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyCursor (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyDataOverridden.  Adornments are always unbound, so this property is always null and cannot be set.  
public PropertyDataContext (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyDeletable Gets or sets whether the user may remove this part from the diagram. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyDesiredSize (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyDiagramGets the Diagram that this part is in. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyDispatcher (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public PropertyDragOverSnapCellSize Gets or sets the size of the grid cell used when snapping during a drag. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyDragOverSnapCellSpotGets or sets the Spot that specifies what point in the grid cell dragged parts snap to. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyDragOverSnapEnabled Gets or sets whether dragging any parts over this part causes their position to be snapped to grid points. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyDragOverSnapOrigin Gets or sets the snapping grid's coordinates origin or offset. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyDropOntoBehaviorGets or sets the behavior when the DraggingTool drops the selection after a move or copy. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyEditable Gets or sets whether the user may in-place text edit this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyEffect (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyFlowDirection (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyGroupable Gets or sets whether the user may group this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyHeight (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyHorizontalAlignment (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyIdGets or sets the string identifier used by the Northwoods.GoXam.Model.PartsModel to resolve references from other parts in the Northwoods.GoXam.Model.PartsModel. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyInDiagramBoundsGets or sets whether this part is included or is ignored in the computation of the diagram bounds, by DiagramPanel.ComputeDiagramBounds. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyIsBoundToDataOverridden.  Adornments are never bound to data, so this property is always false.  
public PropertyIsDropOntoAcceptedGets or sets whether the mouse is over this part during a DraggingTool drag and Northwoods.GoXam.Tool.DraggingTool.DropOntoEnabled is true. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyIsExpandedTree Gets or sets whether this node is considered "expanded" with respect to showing/hiding nodes that it connects to. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyIsHitTestVisible (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyIsLinkLabel Gets whether this node represents a label node for a link. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyIsSelected Gets or sets whether this part is selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyIsTopLevel This property is true when this part is not member of any group node nor is it a label node for a link. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyLabeledLinkIf this node is a label for a link, return that Link. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyLanguage (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyLayerGets the Layer that this part is in. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyLayerNameGets or sets the name of the Layer that this part should be in. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyLayoutIdGets or sets the Northwoods.GoXam.Layout.DiagramLayout.Id which identifies the layout(s) in a MultiLayout in which this part participates. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyLinksConnectedGets a collection of Links that are connected to this node. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyLinksIntoGets a collection of Links that come into this node. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyLinksOutOfGets a collection of Links that go out of this node. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyLocationGets or sets the position of this node based on its Node.LocationElement. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyLocationElementGets the FrameworkElement that determines the location of this node. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyLocationElementName Gets or sets the name of the element whose position defines the location for this node. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyLocationSpotGets or sets the spot in the Node.LocationElement that is this node's location point. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyMargin (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyMaxHeight (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyMaxLocationGets or sets the maximum location for this node allowed by DraggingTool. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyMaxWidth (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyMinHeight (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyMinLocationGets or sets the minimum location for this node allowed by DraggingTool. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyMinWidth (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyModelGets the Northwoods.GoXam.Model.IDiagramModel that holds this part's data. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyMovable Gets or sets whether the user may move this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyName (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyNodesConnectedGets a collection of Nodes that have links connected to this node. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyNodesIntoGets a collection of Nodes that have links coming into this node. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyNodesOutOfGets a collection of Nodes that have links going out of this node. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyOpacity (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyOpacityMask (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyPanelGets the DiagramPanel that this part is in. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyParent (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyPartsModelContainingSubGraphGets or sets the identifier naming the containing group node in a Northwoods.GoXam.Model.PartsModel. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyPortGets the primary FrameworkElement representing a port. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyPortsGets a collection of FrameworkElements that have a non-null Node.GetPortId value. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyPositionThe Position of a Node is the point at the top-left corner of the Part.Bounds. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyPrintable Gets or sets whether the user may print this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyProjection (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyRenderSize (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyRenderTransform (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyRenderTransformOrigin (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyReshapable Gets or sets whether the user may reshape this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyResizable Gets or sets whether the user may resize this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyResizeAdornmentTemplateGets or sets the DataTemplate used by the Northwoods.GoXam.Tool.ResizingTool when this part is selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyResizeCellSize Gets or sets the multiple used to resize. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyResizeElementName Gets or sets the name of the element that gets a resize adornment when selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyResources (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyRotatable Gets or sets whether the user may rotate this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyRotateAdornmentTemplateGets or sets the DataTemplate used by the Northwoods.GoXam.Tool.RotatingTool when this part is selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyRotationAngleGets or sets the angle of the node's Part.SelectionElement, in degrees. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertyRotationSpotGets or sets the Spot about which the node's Part.SelectionElement will rotate. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public PropertySelectable Gets or sets whether the user may select this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertySelectionAdornedGets or sets whether the Part.SelectionElement gets a selection adornment when this part is selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertySelectionAdornmentTemplateGets or sets the DataTemplate used to create the selection adornment for this part when it is selected. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertySelectionElementGets the FrameworkElement that gets a selection adornment when selected and that may be resized/reshaped/rotated. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertySelectionElementName Gets or sets the name of the element that gets any selection adornment when selected and that may be resized/reshaped/rotated. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyStyle (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyTag (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyTextGets or sets the Part.Text string representing this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyTriggers (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyUseLayoutRounding (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyVerticalAlignment (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyVisibility (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public PropertyVisible Gets or sets whether the user may see or pick this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyVisualElement Get the root visual element used in the rendering of this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public PropertyWidth (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public PropertyZOrder Gets or sets the Z-ordering position of this node within its layer. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)

Public Methods

public MethodAddHandler (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public MethodArrange (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public MethodCanCopy This predicate is true if the user may copy this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCanDelete This predicate is true if the user may delete this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCanEdit This predicate is true if the user may in-place edit the text of this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCanGroup This predicate is true if the user may group this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCanMove This predicate is true if the user may move this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCanPrint This predicate is true if the user may print this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCanReshape This predicate is true if the user may reshape this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCanResize This predicate is true if the user may resize this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCanRotate This predicate is true if the user may rotate this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCanSelect This predicate is true if the user may select this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodCaptureMouse (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public MethodClearValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodCollapseTree Make not visible each child node and the link connecting with the child node, and recursively collapse each child node. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodExpandTree Make visible each child node and the link to the child node, and perhaps recursively expand their nodes. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodFindCommonContainingSubGraph (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodFindDescendantSearch the visual tree for this part and return the first one for which the given predicate pred is true. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodFindLinksConnectedWithPortReturns a collection of Links that are connected to a particular port in either direction. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodFindLinksIntoPortReturns a collection of Links that come into a particular port. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodFindLinksOutOfPortReturns a collection of Links that go out of a particular port. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodFindName (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public MethodFindNamedDescendantSearch the visual tree for this part and return the first one that has a Name exactly matching the given name. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodFindNodesConnectedWithPortReturns a collection of Nodes that are connected to this node via links that are connected to a particular port in either direction. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodFindNodesIntoPortReturns a collection of Nodes that are connected to this node via links that come into a particular port. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodFindNodesOutOfPortReturns a collection of Nodes that are connected to this node via links that go out of a particular port. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodFindPortFind the FrameworkElement in this node whose Node.PortId attached property matches a given port parameter value. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodFindTopLevelPartFind the top-level Part for this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodFindTreePartsReturn a collection of Parts that are all of the nodes and links reachable out of this node, including this Node itself. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodGetAdornmentFind an Adornment associated with this part that has a particular category. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodGetAngle Get the angle of an element in the visual tree of this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodGetAnimationBaseValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodGetBindingExpression (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public MethodGetElementBoundsCompute the bounds in model coordinates of a FrameworkElement that is within the visual tree of this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodGetElementPointCompute the point in model coordinates of a spot in a FrameworkElement that is within the visual tree of this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodGetPortNameGet the port parameter value for a particular FrameworkElement. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodGetRelativeElementPointCompute the point of a spot in a FrameworkElement that is within the visual tree of this part, relative to the top-left corner of this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodGetValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodInvalidateArrange (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public MethodInvalidateMeasure (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public MethodInvalidateRelationships Declare that this part and any links connected to this node or any groups related to this part are now invalid and should be re-computed, re-measured, and re-arranged. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodIsContainedBy (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodMakeAdornmentOverridden.  Assume adornments can't have their own adornments.  
public MethodMeasure (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public MethodMove Move a node to a new position, perhaps with animation. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
public MethodOnApplyTemplate (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public MethodReadLocalValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodReleaseMouseCapture (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public MethodRemeasure Re-measure and re-arrange this part in the near future. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodRemoveHandler (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public MethodSetAdornmentAssociate an Adornment with this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodSetAngleOverloaded.  Set the angle of an element in the visual tree of this part by creating or modifying a transform on that element. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
public MethodSetBinding (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public MethodSetValue (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject)
public MethodTransformToVisual (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public MethodUpdateAdornmentsOverridden.  Assume adornments don't have any adornments that need to be updated.  
public MethodUpdateLayout (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)

Protected Methods

protected MethodArrangeOverride (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
protected MethodMeasureOverrideOverridden. Before measuring this adornment, make sure we have rendered any handles by setting the Path.Data of any path that has a NodePanel.Figure attached property.  
protected MethodOnCreateAutomationPeer (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
protected MethodOnIsDropOntoAcceptedChangedThis virtual method is called whenever the value of Part.IsDropOntoAccepted has changed. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
protected MethodOnIsExpandedTreeChangedThis virtual method is called whenever the value of Node.IsExpandedTree changes. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Node)
protected MethodOnIsSelectedChangedThis virtual method is called whenever this part is added or removed from the collection of Diagram.SelectedParts. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
protected MethodUpdateSelectionAdornmentThis is responsible for creating a selection adornment for this part if this part Part.IsSelected and if Part.SelectionAdorned is true. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)
protected MethodUpdateToolAdornments This is responsible for creating any tool adornments for this part. (Inherited from Northwoods.GoXam.Part)

Public Events

public EventBindingValidationError (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public EventDataContextChanged (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public EventDragEnter (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventDragLeave (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventDragOver (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventDrop (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventGotFocus (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventKeyDown (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventKeyUp (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventLayoutUpdated (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public EventLoaded (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public EventLostFocus (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventLostMouseCapture (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventMediaCommand (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventMouseEnter (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventMouseLeave (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventMouseLeftButtonDown (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventMouseLeftButtonUp (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventMouseMove (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventMouseRightButtonDown (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventMouseRightButtonUp (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventMouseWheel (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventSizeChanged (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)
public EventTextInput (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventTextInputStart (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventTextInputUpdate (Inherited from System.Windows.UIElement)
public EventUnloaded (Inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement)

See Also

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